Saturday, December 1, 2018

An Excerpt from ASCEND: Proven Ways to Rapidly Boost Your Financial Life

An Excerpt from ASCEND: Proven Ways to Rapidly Boost Your Financial Life

Chapter 1: Is Money Essential? 

Time is more valueable than money.
You can get more money,
but you cannot get more time.
Jim Rohn

Definition of money
Money is any item or verifiable record that is commonly accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. In general people’s definition about money is actually the programming and influence during the early stage of your life. We learn these from our family and people around us, our interaction with others and our environment. Whether you like it or not money is essential on our daily lives. This is commonly an involuntary habit. It plays a vital role to make our well-being at ease and comfortable. From the luscious food that we eat, to our favorite gadgets and apparels these require financial equivalent. In addition, it can also be a channel to help those who are in need and less fortunate. You must understand that if you’re financially abundant there are wider opportunities on what you can give to others. Others define money as the root of evil. Common perception is that majority of wealthy and successful people are evil that their income stream is a result of their inappropriate acts, taking unfair advantage on uneducated people and many other misconceptions. There are different meanings about money and it’s up to you what side you will embrace. Your Passion and Purpose will serve as your compass on what you would choose.

Understanding the history and development of money
          Do you know the start and development of money? During early ages, there is no monetary exchange and the way to get things is through barter system. Barter system is an exchange of other goods or services without using money. Early man normally barter goods they had in surplus for the ones they lacked.
          Through time our ancestors started to develop small replicas of goods cast from bronze which eventually the start of coin system. This kind of trade system started to grow as standard coinage across the Mediterranean region.  Later on the idea of silver and gold casting and paper money ascend. This serves as new development on our money system.  Paper money is great for business because it could be mass produced without relying on raw materials such as bronze, silver and gold. Later on the money transfer via telegraph (a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection) becomes the mainstream.
Later on, the trend progressed to ATM/Credit Cards, Cashless payments and Mobile banking which marked a phenomenal era for an e-commerce and online shopping. No wonder that the world's largest online store like AMAZON business is growing rapidly which is the reason why its CEO/Founder Jeff Bezos to be recognized as the first person with a net worth surpassing $150 billion in the three decades that Forbes has tracked the richest Americans. Bezos is the richest man in the world based on Forbes' Top Billionaires of 2018.
In this world where all are digitals, money also goes digital in the name of Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. This type of currency is the crowd favorite nowadays and is being used as an instrument for wealth creation. These advancements is making an interesting history that shapes the future of money and it is fascinating to know that each era contributed so much in order to reach these milestones and legacies.

What is Money for you?
          Some people define that money is a means to buy what they need or means of exchange for a service or product. Usually, people have the same perception and beliefs with our parents and the people we frequently interact. Our subconscious mind starts to slowly adapt these principles. Soon you will naturally imitate their money habits and insights. Sadly, if the people around you have poor money practices you will be conditioned with same thinking and views like them. The earlier you discover what money is the better you understand the principle of it. It’s best if you start to realize the real meaning of it. Remember that it’s just a material thing and not basis of your worth. You are the one who should define your true worth. The good news is that you can break your bad habits and patterns. You just need to focus on worthy beliefs and practices and change what you previously know. Acceptance is the key. You must acknowledge new learning for your new beginnings. After this transformation, decide what money is for you not how it defines you.

Good and bad effects of money
There are two sides of the coin. The head, and the tails. Just like the effects of money on people, there is a positive and negative impact.  There are good and bad effects of money depending on how people use it or how you let money manage you. Again, there are certain benefits that money can give you but it is up to you on how you achieve these endless worthy effects and results.
On the good side, money can give you positive stuffs such as the freedom to buy things you want and need, the power to materialize your dreams and goal in life with ease and most especially the influence to share your financial blessings to others. On the other hand the bad side of it is that this might transform you to a person you do not intend to be. You might turn to an arrogant individual because of the power that money can give you and the hunger to gain more money. Eventually, this might lead you to unlawful acts. This time money is the one who is in control of you.
You have the control on what choice you will pick. You have your own guiding influences to ensure you choose what is right and worthy. Your Purpose, Passion and Subconscious habits will serve as your navigator on your voyage towards your success into rightful habits. If you are engage to not so good habits, there are unlimited chances to break this pattern. What you need to do is to decide and take action to fulfill your goal to have an excellent financial awareness and practices. You are the one who can decide which path you will choose the good side or bad side.

Money and its true essence
          During our childhood days we start to learn the benefits and importance of money. As a basic idea, we know that the more money we have the more things we can buy. But what is the true essence of money? What is money for us and to the society? The true essence of money is about achieving value for yourself and the community. The idea and essence of money is not to be ahead from others, nor not to do evil. It is only a means that makes us a better individual for a culture that shares, a world that knows how to give and to receive, and a place where the essence of helping is greater than the love of money. This essence is so simple that sometimes we fail to recognize in this complex universe.

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